Holder: Joe King
The Prebendal is our Club’s annual, internal AC Handicap competition.
The following have already entered
Sorry you must be logged in to see who has subscribed. Sorry you must be logged in to subscribe.Please subscribe before initial entries close on Sunday April 6th. You – or any new members joining thereafter – will still be able to enter after that date, but will not be able to play in any rounds already drawn.
Competition format
This year’s Prebendal will be run as a Swiss-format tournament, probably of 5 rounds to be played over the summer. Final details – including tie-break criteria – will be published here in early April, once initial entry has closed. Semi-Finals and Final will then follow in September, to be played on dates to be arranged between the contestants involved.
Any ambiguities or extenuating circumstances affecting these rules will be resolved by reference to standard AC tournament rules, else at Tournament Manager’s discretion.
Game Format
All matches except the Final should be played as 18pt games (1 and 3-back variation – as per AC rule 51.2.3) with a 2.5 hour time-limit. The Final will be contested as a 26pt game with a longer limit (e.g 3 or 3.5 hrs, dependent on the playing conditions on the day).
Games will be handicap, set against a base of 9:
in games involving at least one player of handicap less than 9, normal bisque allocations apply, subject to the standard reduction for 18pt games. e.g. player A (handicap = 4) vs player B (handicap = 16): B is allocated 12 bisques, reduced to 8.5.
if both players have handicaps of 9 or more, each player gets a number of bisques equal to the difference between their handicap and 9, reduced according to the schedule for 18pt games. eg player C (10) vs player D (11): C is allocated 1 bisque, reduced to 0.5; D is allocated 2 bisques, reduced to 1.5.
Games cannot end in a draw: the standard extra turns procedure (AC rule 61) should be followed if scores are level when the time-limit is reached.
David Long
Tournament Manager