GC open tournament 22nd April 2023

The weather was cold but dry for the club’ s first CA listed tournament of 2023 – a GC Open event with eight competitors, including BCC’s Paul Wolff. Handicaps ranged from +4 to -1.. The all-play-all format required almost continuous action throughout the day.

Last year’s winner, Philip Blake of Kenilworth, and Chris Roberts of Phyllis Court set the pace with three wins out of three. In the fourth round, they met in the match that would decide the tournament. Chris prevailed 7-3, then won his next two games to go into the final round with an unassailable lead .

The race for second place was much closer. In the last round, Philip Blake, Roger Goldring of Phyllis Court and Peter Adams of Guildford and Godalming were still in the mix. The draw set Goldring against Adams, with Peter taking a very tight contest on the golden hoop. Not enough. When net hoops were counted, Philip was the runner-up with +9 to +1

Speaking on behalf of all the competitors, Chris Roberts praised the quality of the courts and , in particular, the firmness of the hoops which had been reset in new positions by Joe King the previous evening.
Brian Jamieson

Brian presents Chris with his victory glass