2022 May Short Croquet Tournament

A field of 6 competed in the CA May Short Croquet Tournament held at Blewbury. Tony Mayer from Swindon joined Carol, Paul, Peter, Steve and myself for the all-play-all event. The weather was perfect with clear skies and almost no wind. The lawns were playing well and we completed 5 rounds of 75 minute games finishing at about 6:30.

I ran out the eventual winner with 4 wins out of 5, tied with Carol who also had 4 wins. The first tie breaker was who-beat-who, and in a very close game with Carol earlier in the day I had overtaken Carol by 1 hoop in my final turn of the game. So I just managed to prevail on this occasion.

Paul then presented one of the new engraved ‘trophy’ glasses the Club has procured for our CA tournaments this season.

Paul presenting the winner’s prize to Joe

Philippa and Elizabeth provided an excellent lunch which rounded off a lovely occasion. Many thanks to them both.

The final scoresheet was:

Joe King, Manager