Happy Easter Monday

Pascal lamb has been eaten, ears lopped off and bunnies devoured. On Easter Monday, it’s time to party. Where better than Blewbury Croquet Club on Tickers Folly Field. Joe King will roast spit beef and veggie options   on his barbecue. With the sizzlers, bread rolls and a selection of salads and sauces. Plus a pudding. Wines, beer, cider and soft drinks will be served  at minimum prices. Kick off at noon.

This is an  opportunity to introduce partners and neighbours to the BCC family. Maybe  there’s someone you’d like to try croquet? The £10 lunch fee includes a Have A Go session in the afternoon. With light nights ahead, what better time to take up the game.   A sunset match, a pub supper: surely a perfect summer evening with friends.

While the finals of the Roger Cambray one ball tournament are fought out on Court 1, Have A Go will run on court 2. Anyone who’d like to take part must wear flat-soled shoes: all other equipment will be provided.  Members will join in and answer questions. To minimise the risk of damage to the courts, this is for adults only (18+).

The deadline for ordering lunch for yourselves and your friends (if you haven’t already booked it) is Good Friday at 18.00. Please email minty@mintyclinch.com so we get the numbers right. MC