Founder’s Cup 2023

The 2023 edition of the club’s level advanced AC competition will be played on Saturday 2nd September (to be confirmed). It is open to all members, but those with an AC handicap of around 6 or less are particularly encouraged to enter.

The competition will be completed as a knockout involving up to 8 players, with a prequalification round if more than 8 players enter. All games will be 26pt with advanced level play rules.

The closing date of the 1st July 2023 has now passed.

Those who have subscribed are:

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Founder’s Cup 2022

This if the club’s level play AC advanced competition and is being held over from this year and will be played in April 2023, as a beginning of season opener. The lawns were booked for Saturday 15th April.

Unfortunately only Joe King and Paul Wolff signed up. Joe won +24.

Founder’s Cup 2021

This is AC played to Advanced rules

It was played on April 9th and won by Robin Brown, beating Joe King in the final. In the semi-finals Robin had beaten Peter Allan and Joe had beaten Deirdre Cochrane.

Founder’s Cup 2020

The Founder’s Cup is one of our oldest club trophies. It was originally the Chairman’s Cup, presented by Jolyon Kay, the first Chairman, and founder of the club. It’s played for under the conditions of level play advanced Association Croquet, so the pool of potential winners is usually rather small. Jolyon used to invite those who would compete for it each year. Still, it’s a challenge for the mere mortals among us.

The cup was re-named the Founder’s Cup when the Chairmanship changed.

This year we played on Saturday 10 October, much later in the season than usual. Robin Brown started as the clear favourite, both on form and on the rankings, and didn’t disappoint, winning all his games and taking the tankard home with him – not for the first time!


  • Round 1: Robin beat Paul +24, Nick beat Deirdre, and Joe beat Avril.
  • Round 2: Robin beat Nick, Joe beat Paul +25, and Deirdre and Avril wisely settled for a draw at equal hoops after long play out in the cold.
  • Final: Robin beat Joe +26tp in double-quick time.

Sadly, we couldn’t manage the usual tournament lunch under present restrictions.