AC Ladder 2025

This is similar to the GC ladder of 2023 but one game in any form of AC: level, handicap, advanced etc. may be played. One ball is not permitted, nor is SC. It uses an Egyptian ladder format where beating someone higher up the ladder brings you more points than beating someone nearby.

Please avoid 26 point games but use 14, 18 or 22 point games.

  • Games may be played whether or not jumping is allowed.
  • If jumping is allowed then these are qualifying games so both players must enter them on their handicap cards – otherwise they must not go on handicap cards.
  • You may challenge any club member with an AC handicap to a game, regardless of whether they are on the ladder already or are yet to play their first game. If you cannot agree on the format of the game then the game cannot be played.
  • To join in please send an email to to have your name entered, issue a challenge, play the game and one of you enters the result below. Results should be entered promptly for it all to work properly.

There is some more information on the Egyptian ladder below.

Enter scores below

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Results so far

Andrew Petit10323
Andy Evason9713

Your games


Details of the format

Each player is initially assigned 100 ranking points. If a player beats a player of the same ranking then four points are transferred from the loser to the winner. However beating a higher ranked player results in more points being transferred and vice versa. Winning or losing a game may change your handicap but this change has no impact on the ranking points

You may challenge any club member to a game, regardless of whether they are on the ladder already or are yet to play their first game. Failure to accept the challenge without good reason and to play the game within two weeks results in a maximum score being recorded for the challenger and 0 for the person who failed to play. Such results do not go on handicap cards as regular results would.

You must play a minimum number of games to win.

A player's position is determined by ranking points, then wins, then net wins (#wins – #losses).

The number of points transferred is given in the table below.

Difference in ranking points before the gameIf player with higher ranking points winsIf player with lower ranking points wins

The competition will be closed at midnight on the 31st August. Those in the lowest quartile of number of games played will be ineligible to win, otherwise the winner is the person at the top of the ladder.

Queries to Steve Fisher please.

GC Ladder 2025

This is similar to the GC ladder of 2023 but one game in any form of GC: level, advantage or extra turns may be played. It uses an Egyptian ladder format where beating someone higher up the ladder brings you more points than beating someone nearby.

  • Games may be played whether or not jumping is allowed.
  • If jumping is allowed then these are qualifying games so both players must enter them on their handicap cards – otherwise they must not go on handicap cards.
  • You may challenge any club member with a GC handicap to a game, regardless of whether they are on the ladder already or are yet to play their first game. If you cannot agree on the format of the game then the game cannot be played.
  • To join in please send an email to to have your name entered, issue a challenge, play the game and one of you enters the result below. Results should be entered promptly for it all to work properly.

There is some more information on the Egyptian ladder below.

Enter scores below

Sorry, you must be logged in to enter a result.

Results so far

Andy Evason10622
David Long9701
Dave Dibben9701

Your games


Details of the format

Each player is initially assigned 100 ranking points. If a player beats a player of the same ranking then four points are transferred from the loser to the winner. However beating a higher ranked player results in more points being transferred and vice versa. Winning or losing a game may change your handicap but this change has no impact on the ranking points

You may challenge any club member to a game, regardless of whether they are on the ladder already or are yet to play their first game. Failure to accept the challenge without good reason and to play the game within two weeks results in a maximum score being recorded for the challenger and 0 for the person who failed to play. Such results do not go on handicap cards as regular results would.

You must play a minimum number of games to win.

A player's position is determined by ranking points, then wins, then net wins (#wins – #losses).

The number of points transferred is given in the table below.

Difference in ranking points before the gameIf player with higher ranking points winsIf player with lower ranking points wins

The competition will be closed at midnight on the 31st August. Those in the lowest quartile of number of games played will be ineligible to win, otherwise the winner is the person at the top of the ladder.

Queries to Steve Fisher please.

Outfield mowing rota – revised again

The first mowing of the outfield took place on Friday by Hugh in preparation for the GC open event today. Subsequent dates are listed below for the rota. They are all of the Monday at the start of the seven day period during which the job should be done. As it is a bit noisy it must not be done during tournaments nor matches. I prefer late afternoon towards the end of a roll up session. If there are any dates you cannot do please arrange a swap and let me (Steve) know.

  • 29th Apr – David V
  • 13th May – Andy E
  • 27th May – Steve
  • 10th June – David W
  • 24th June – Edmund
  • 8th July – John
  • 22 July – Peter A
  • 5 Aug – John
  • 19th Aug – David V
  • 2nd Sep – Andy E
  • 16 Sep – Steve
  • 30th Sep – David W
  • 14th Oct – Edmund
  • 28th Oct – Hugh

Blewbury eliminated from Longman in first round

Andy Evason (8), Andrew Petit (8), Steve Fisher (10) and Nigel Cox (11) travelled down to East Dorset for the first round of the Longman. Our opponents included a very new player who dropped from 9 to 8 following his win and a very good GC player who didn’t miss anything. In the morning we lost the doubles match and both singles. In the afternoon only Andrew prevailed – so we lost 6-1.

David Long wins the One Ball final at Surbiton

The event was attended on behalf of Blewbury by David Long and Steve Fisher. Carol Wadsworth represented Phyllis Court, her main club. The courts were in fair shape though almost every hoop had a small rabbit run and the hoops driven in too far. We were triple banked giving six people on each of seven courts and a few waiting for a game. It was played as a “flexible” Swiss and at around 15:00 the four with the best results played in semi-finals and final. I only managed to win three out of six but David managed five out of six. David played Matt Miles-Griffiths from High Wycombe where he had to give away 1.5 bisques. The game was close but David won. This was followed by the final against Richard Coward, also from High Wycombe, who gave David the same number of bisques. Richard had a succession of long hit ins to try and stop David but to no avail. There will probably be an official photo at some point meanwhile here is one of David thanking Martin Burger who managed the event in the afternoon. David is holding a rather nice glass trophy in the box.

SCF Armada One Ball – 2023

The annual Southern Croquet Federation one ball tournament came to Blewbury for the first time on Sunday, June 25th. 

This event attracted 15 entries – unfortunately Carol had a problem with her shoulder and had to drop out rather early on. The rest played a Swiss with six rounds. It was slightly disappointing that the entrants were all local, with High Wycombe as the most distant club represented

Deirdre provided an excellent lunch and the rounds continued.

Duncan won all six games and so won the tournament. David Long was just behind with five games and then Rick Lilley with four.

Duncan received the Armada trophy which he will keep for the year and another Blewbury glass to add to his collection.

Carol presenting the trophy to Duncan
Duncan relaxing at the end.

Phyllis Court & Blewbury AC 7+ Advanced Tournament (30-31 May 2023)

Eight players, including Brian Jamieson and Steve Fisher, took part in this tournament which was arranged as a Swiss with five rounds played at Phyllis Court on the first day and at Blewbury on the second. Frances Coleman acted as assistant referee at Phyllis Court while Chris Roberts acted as ROT throughout – and was kept rather busy.

The games in the third round were pegged down at about 18:30 and restored on different sized courts at Blewbury on the second day.

Brian and Steve won two of their five games. There was only one peg out when Brian beat Steve but there were plenty of reasonable scores and participants seemed to enjoy the challenge of level play.

Michael Newman (9) from Woking had four wins to make him the overall winner of a rather elegant cup.

Carol presenting the trophy to Michael

Elimination from Longman Cup in the first round

Paul Wolff, Deirdre Cochrane, Brian Jamieson and Steve Fisher travelled to Bristol to play in the first round of the Longman Cup (a knockout Handicap AC event with handicap restrictions). In the morning Deirdre won her match but Brian lost and we also lost the doubles putting us one down at lunchtime. In the afternoon Paul and Brian won while Steve and Deirdre lost. There was a cold breeze and we found the two courts were very different.

So overall we lost 3-4.

GC Ladder 2023

This is different from the GC ladder 2022 in two respects:

  • Games are played to Advantage Rules to make it attractive to newer players.
  • It uses an Egyptian ladder format where beating someone higher up the ladder brings you more points than beating someone nearby.

Like the ladder from last year:

  • You may challenge any club member to a game, regardless of whether they are on the ladder already or are yet to play their first game. 
  • These are qualifying games so both players must enter them on their handicap cards.
  • To join in please send an email to to have your name entered, issue a challenge, play the game and one of you enters the result below. Results should be entered promptly for it all to work properly.

There is some more information on the Egyptian ladder below.

Enter scores below

Sorry, you must be logged in to enter a result.

Results so far

Jeff Drummond-Hay10411
Rosemary Balsdon10411
Edmund Shirley10411
Philippa Turner9613
Chris Fairburn9202

Your games


Details of the format

Each player is initially assigned 100 ranking points. If a player beats a player of the same ranking then four points are transferred from the loser to the winner. However beating a higher ranked player results in more points being transferred and vice versa. Winning or losing a game may change your handicap but this change has no impact on the ranking points

You may challenge any club member to a game, regardless of whether they are on the ladder already or are yet to play their first game. Failure to accept the challenge without good reason and to play the game within two weeks results in a maximum score being recorded for the challenger and 0 for the person who failed to play. Such results do not go on handicap cards as regular results would.

You must play a minimum number of games to win.

A player's position is determined by ranking points, then wins, then net wins (#wins – #losses).

The number of points transferred is given in the table below.

Difference in ranking points before the gameIf player with higher ranking points winsIf player with lower ranking points wins

The competition will be closed at midnight on the 31st August. Those in the lowest quartile of number of games played will be ineligible to win, otherwise the winner is the person at the top of the ladder.

Queries to Steve Fisher please.