The Icknield Trophy 2024

The semifinalists for 2024 were Minty Clinch, Andy Evason, David Long and Mick Moore. Unfortunately Andy was unable to play on Finals Day. David Long was drawn to progress straight through to the final. Minty and Mick fought it out in a tough match to reach the Final. Minty won 7-6, 7-5 and 7-6. David took on Minty in the Final winning 7-6 and 7-4 to lift the trophy.

Well done David and also to Minty who had five closely fought games.

Holder: Carol Jamieson

The Icknield Trophy is our Club’s annual internal GC Handicap competition.

The competition will run throughout the season and will culminate in a Finals day on Saturday 7 September.

The tournament format will be knockout with two lives, meaning you will have two opportunities to reach the final stages. Each match will consist of one game, best of 13 points. It will be played using Advantage rules.

Dates for each round apply to both your lives (Draw and Process). Note that many people have a bye for round 1. Note also that if you currently have no match to play you will see no opponent listed.

Play each match by the due date and enter the result below…

  • Round 1 – Final date for play is 31 May
  • Round 2 – Final date for play is 15 July
  • Round 3 – Final date for play 17 August
  • Semi-Finals and Final 7 September 


Jackie BryantJackie BJackie BPhilippa TMinty C 
Sandra MillikinSandra M
Andy EvasonSimon BPhilippa T
Simon Bryant
Philippa T
Philippa Turner
David VincentDavid VDavid VMinty C
Brian J
Brian Jamieson
Jeff DMinty C
Jeff Drummond-Hay
Minty ClinchMinty C
David LongDavid LEdmund SMichael MMichael M
Edmund ShirleyEdmund S
Carol JamiesonCarol JMichael M
Michael MooreMichael M
Dave DDave DSteve F
Dave Dibben
David S
David Seed
Bruce GibsonBruce GSteve F
Steve FisherSteve F
Susan Tilbrook


Jackie BryantJackie BSteve FSteve FAndy E 
Steve FisherSteve F
Minty ClinchPhilippa TMichael M
Philippa Turner
Michael M
Michael Moore
Andy EvasonAndy EAndy EAndy E
Edmund S
Edmund Shirley
Brian JDavid S
Brian Jamieson
David SeedDavid S
Sandra MillikinSandra MSusan TDavid LDavid L
Susan TilbrookSusan T
David LongDavid LDavid L
David VincentDavid V
Dave DSimon BBruce G
Dave Dibben
Simon B
Simon Bryant
Carol JamiesonCarol JBruce G
Jeff Drummond-HayBruce G
Bruce Gibson

GC Icknield Cup 2023

This is a GC Singles Handicap competition leading to a Final in September. The competition will be played using the Advantage System.

Within each Group the format for each match will be all-play-all and the best of three games. These matches MUST be played by 31 August. Results should be recorded below by the winner of each match. When all the group matches have been played the top four will play Semi-finals and Final on Thursday 7 September. The top four will be made up of the top of each group plus the best runner-up. The best runner-up to be decided by:-

  1. Number of wins
  2. Hoop difference
  3. Penalty shoot-out (or toss of a coin if a date for the shoot-out can’t be arranged

Group 1

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John Garnett1X7-6, 7-6, 0-03-7, 7-3, 6-77-4, 7-3, 0-02844
Minty Clinch16-7, 6-7, 0-0X7-4, 3-7, 7-37-2, 7-4, 0-02943
Bruce Gibson37-3, 3-7, 7-64-7, 7-3, 3-7X5-7, 4-7, 0-01-740
Rosemary Balsdon34-7, 3-7, 0-02-7, 4-7, 0-07-5, 7-4, 0-0X1-1027

Group 2

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Chris Fairburn1X0-7, 7-5, 7-57-3, 6-7, 7-37-3, 7-3, 0-07-5, 7-3, 0-041862
Carol Jamieson27-0, 5-7, 5-7X7-5, 6-7, 7-47-2, 7-6, 0-07-3, 7-5, 0-031965
David Vincent33-7, 7-6, 3-75-7, 7-6, 4-7X5-7, 7-6, 7-31-848
Edmund Shirley33-7, 3-7, 0-02-7, 6-7, 0-07-5, 6-7, 3-7X7-5, 5-7, 7-41-1449
Sandra Millikin55-7, 3-7, 0-03-7, 5-7, 0-05-7, 7-5, 4-7X0-1532

Group 3

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Brian Jamieson1X7-4, 7-2, 0-05-7, 7-5, 7-521033
Philippa Turner24-7, 2-7, 0-0X7-6, 4-7, 7-51-824
Michael Moore37-5, 5-7, 5-76-7, 7-4, 5-7X0-235

Queries to Carol Jamieson please.

GC Icknield Cup 2022

This is a GC Singles Handicap play competition using the Advantage System. It was open to all members of the Club and was played using “American Blocks using the First-to-7-points table.

The four blocks were:

Bruce Gibson1X4-7, 5-7, 0-06-7, 7-6, 7-47-6, 7-4, 0-07-2, 7-6, 0-03857
John Garnett27-4, 7-5, 0-0X6-7, 4-7, 0-007-6, 2-7, 7-34-7, 7-6, 4-72-455
Chris Fairburn27-6, 6-7, 4-77-6, 7-4, 0-0X6-7, 4-7, 0-07-1, 2-7, 7-32257
Minty Clinch26-7, 4-7, 0-06-07, 7-2, 3-77-6, 7-4, 0-0X7-5, 7-5, 0-02454
David Seed52-7, 6-7, 0-07-4, 6-7, 7-41-7, 7-2, 3-75-7, 5-7, 0-0X1-1049
David Grinstead1X3-7, 7-4, 7-54-7, 6-7, 0-07-5, 7-6, 0-02041
David Long17-3, 4-7, 5-7X7-0, 7-3, 0-07-4, 7-5, 0-021544
Susan Tilbrook17-4, 7-6, 0-00-7, 3-7, 0-0X4-7, 7-6, 7-52-735
Edmund Shirley45-7, 6-7, 0-04-7, 5-7, 0-07-4, 6-7, 5-7X0-838
Carol Jamieson1X7-5, 7-5, 0-04-7, 7-5, 7-67-0, 7-2, 0-07-4, 7-2, 0-042460
Michael Moore25-7, 5-7, 0-0X7-6, 4-7, 7-57-4, 7-3, 0-05-7, 5-7, 0-02-152
Carol Wadsworth27-4, 5-7, 6-76-7, 7-4, 5-7X5-7, 7-2, 7-27-5, 7-5, 0-021269
Steve Fisher40-7, 2-7, 0-04-7, 3-7, 0-07-5, 2-7, 2-7X3-7, 7-6, 7-51-2837
Rosemary Balsdon44-7, 2-7, 0-07-5, 7-5, 0-05-7, 5-7, 0-07-3, 6-7, 5-7X1-748
Duncan Sinclair1X7-1, 7-4, 0-07-4, 7-5, 0-07-4, 7-3, 0-07-3, 7-4, 0-042856
David Vincent21-7, 4-7, 0-0X3-7, 6-7, 0-07-6, 7-5, 0-07-6, 7-4, 0-02-742
Brian Jamieson24-7, 5-7, 0-07-3, 7-6, 0-0X7-6, 4-7, 5-77-5, 7-4, 0-02153
Philippa Turner24-7, 3-7, 0-06-7, 5-7, 0-06-7, 7-4, 7-5X7-4, 7-5, 0-02-152
Sandra Millikin53-7, 4-7, 0-06-7, 4-7, 0-05-7, 4-7, 0-04-7, 5-7, 0-0X0-2135

In the quarter finals:

Carol Wadsworth beat Bruce 7-4, 7-5
Brian Jamieson beat David Long 3-7, 7-5, 7-5
Minty Clinch beat Carol Jamieson 7-6, 7-5
Duncan Sinclair beat David Grinstead 7-5, 7-4

In the semi finals:

Carol Wadsworth beat Brian Jamieson 7-4, 7-6
Minty Clinch beat Duncan Sinclair 7-2, 5-7, 7-5

In the final:

Carol Wadsworth beat Minty Clinch 7-5, 5-7, 5-7

GC Icknield Cup 2021

In each group everyone should arrange to play everyone else in a best of three level play 13 point games. You will normally need to allow 2 – 2.5 hours to be sure of  enough time to play three games.  As finding a time to play may not always be easy, when booking please title as a Championship match and be prepared to accept another pair playing Icknield or Championship to double bank. You must use the old extra turn handicapping system. Each game must be played with the handicap you had at the beginning of your best of three match.

The group results will be decided by
– who wins the most matches
– hoop differences
– who beat whom
– a penalty shoot out – boundary to hoop 1

The winners of the three groups will go on to the semi-finals as will the closest runner-up. The closest runner-up is the player who comes closest to the winner in the decision list above.

If the closest runner-up is from the A group, then  A1 plays B1,  A2 plays C1 in the semi-finals, if from the B group B1 plays C1 and B2 plays A1 and if from the C group C1 plays A1 ans C2 plays B1.

Please enter your results below carefully. If you make a mistake please contact Steve Fisher to have the result removed. For two of the three blocks it will say: “Sorry you are not competing in this event” so just find your block.

Block A

Results so far

John Garnett1X7-4, 5-7, 7-46-7, 7-5, 7-47-4, 7-4, 0-031453
Brian Jamieson24-7, 7-5, 4-7X7-6, 1-7, 2-77-3, 7-5, 0-01-839
Susan Jenkins27-6, 5-7, 4-76-7, 7-1, 7-2X4-7, 6-7, 0-01246
Minty Clinch24-7, 4-7, 0-03-7, 5-7, 0-07-4, 7-6, 0-0X1-830

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Block B

Results so far

Anthony Hardwicke1X7-4, 7-6, 0-03-7, 7-5, 7-12831
Edmund Shirley14-7, 6-7, 0-0X7-4, 5-7, 7-67-6, 5-7, 7-12348
Carol Wadsworth14-7, 7-5, 6-7X7-6, 7-2, 0-03-7, 7-4, 7-52548
Susan Tilbrook47-3, 5-7, 1-76-7, 2-7, 0-0X3-7, 7-2, 7-51-738
David Vincent56-7, 7-5, 1-77-3, 4-7, 5-77-3, 2-7, 5-7X0-944

Enter individual results below

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Block C

Results so far

Carol Jamieson1X5-7, 1-7, 0-07-6, 7-6, 0-07-4, 5-7, 7-37-5, 7-6, 0-03253
David Long27-5, 7-1, 0-0X6-7, 7-3, 5-75-7, 6-7, 0-02-7, 7-2, 7-221159
Avril Rangoni-Machiavelli26-7, 6-7, 0-07-6, 3-7, 7-5X7-4, 5-7, 7-62-148
David Grinstead44-7, 7-5, 3-77-5, 7-6, 0-04-7, 7-5, 6-7X5-7, 7-6, 4-71-861
Sandra Millikin45-7, 6-7, 0-07-2, 2-7, 2-77-5, 6-7, 7-4X1-442

Enter individual results below

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Icknield Cup 2020

The winner in each block will be decided by:

  • who wins the most matches
  • hoop differences
  • who beat whom
  • a penalty shoot out – boundary to hoop 1

The result of each match shows the net hoops in that match and “W” denotes the winner and “L” the loser. Most of the time a positive number is associated with a “W” but this is not always the case. The last three columns (P, W and N) show the number of matches played, the number of wins and the overall net hoops. The results are ordered by most wins and then the largest net hoops. Final positions have been decided using the last two criteria listed above as necessary.

GC Icknield 2020 Block A

David Long5W5W4W7Wx-4L5417
John Garnettx3W-3L5W-5L8W538
David Vincent-3Lx4W3W-5L4W533
Brian Jamieson3W-4Lx0L-4L8W523
Mick Moore-5L-3L0Wx-7L6W52-9
Minty Clinch-8L-4L-8L-6L4Wx51-22

GC Icknield 2020 Block B

Sue Jenkins-2L8W5W2W6Wx5419
David Grinsteadx5W2L-5L4W2W538
Peter Allan5W3W4Wx-3L-2L537
Carol Jamieson-4L-2L6W3Wx-6L52-3
Susan Tilbrook-2W2Wx-4L-6L-5L52-15
David Seed-5Lx-2L-3L2W-8L51-16
Semi FinalFinalWinner
David Long3WDavid Long-1LJohn Garnett
David Grinstead-3L
Sue Jenkins-5LJohn Garnett1W
John Garnett5W