GC All England Handicap 2024

Simon Bryant qualified in the Club heat. But unfortunately they did not perform their best at Phyllis Court in the Area Final. So Blewbury we’re not represented in the National Final.


Competition Format: This is a National Competition with Area Finals and a National Final.

It is open to all GC players with a GC Handicap.

It will be played off Handicap using the Advantage System.

The format for our Qualifying Round depends on the number of entries, we may need more than one day. I have provisionally booked Courts on Saturday 8 June and Sunday 9 June. It could be a Block system or a Knock Out.

Further details and rules of the competition will be posted after the Closing Date when our final numbers are confirmed.

Conditions: If we have 4 players in our Qualifying Round; this will allow 1 player to go through to the Area Final. If we have 8 players we are allowed 2 players to go through, and so on.

Entry Fee is £8 per player, this goes to the National Organiser of the Competition.

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GC All England Handicap 2023

The Blewbury internal qualifying round of the above competition took place on 13 June 2023. It was a hot sunny day, meaning a lot of water was consumed during the afternoon.

Congratulations to David Vincent on his win, he was victorious is all three of his games. However, He did have his hands full with Minty in his final game for the first place, with both on two wins. Minty had a favourable Starting Score against David, Minty +2 to David’s-1. Minty stormed ahead having only two hoops left to run after hoop five. David dug in to equal at five all. However, Minty won the next hoop, now 6-5 to Minty. However, David’s experience shone through and eventually won 7-6.

Very well done to David and good luck in Bath on 13 August in the Area Finals.

David Vincent1X7-67-57-53521
Minty Clinch26-7X7-37-42620
Brian Jamieson35-73-7X7-41-315
Carol Wadsworth45-74-74-7X0-813

GC All England Handicap 2022

Blewbury ran a preliminary round of the national GC Handicap Competition in June.

With 12 entrants three people could go forward to an area final for which they could choose between Surbiton on the 25th July and Phyllis Court on 10 August. The national final was at Wrest Park on 10th and 11th September.

It was played using the Extra Strokes handicap system. People were allocated dates as shown below:

Wednesday 1 June: Minty Clinch, Edmund Shirley, Carol Wadsworth, Sue Jenkins, David Grinstead, Brian Jamieson

Saturday 11 June: Steve Fisher, Susan Tillcock, Sandy Millikin, David Long, David Vincent, Rosemary Balsdon

The format on each day was all-play-all with one game matches so everyone played five games.

The top three players were decided by:

  1. Number of wins
  2. Hoop difference
  3. Who beat whom
  4. Penalty shoot-out (or toss of coin if date for shoot-out can’t be arranged)

The three members who qualified for the area Finals were Minty Clinch, winner on 1 June, Susan Tilbrook, winner on 11 June and Carol Wadsworth.  Carol qualified ahead of Steve Fisher on Net Hoops.

Minty opted to go to the Bath Area Final, while Susan and Carol went to the Phyllis Court Area Final.

Unfortunately, Minty had to withdraw and Brian Jamieson was her replacement.  Brian went on to win that Area Final at Bath, but could not go to the Final at Wrest Park.

Carol Wadsworth was invited to the Final and finished in a creditable ninth place.