Locked in a windowless lavatory? That was the only glitch in Blewbury’s hi-bisquers tournament, run and won by Carol Jamieson. She’d introduced Gareth, her Caversham neighbour, to croquet. Now he was showing threatening promise. Time to throw away the key. With the help of a screwdriver and a hoop mallet wielded by a strong arm, he was eventually released to resume play.
By Sunday afternoon on May 28th, eight competitors were far into the second day of conviviality and eating al fresco. Crunch time: there were three possible winners as the final matches in the all play all format got under way. Carol had five of a possible six wins under her belt, with Paul Morrison on four. If he were to win and Carol to lose, the tournament would be decided on hoops run.
No way. Carol’s bold shot making, characterised by long range hitting in, and her steely determination forced a narrow victory over her last opponent; Paul, a charismatic ex rugby man in denim pants and grey crocs, faltered and fell to his. So it was Carol who raised the highball glass engraved with club logo and the name of the tournament, BCC’s 2022 initiative to award commemorative trophies for external and internal competitions. With bottles from assorted GC victories accumulating in her cellar, Carol needs all the glasses she can get. Many thanks to her and husband Brian from the ultimate also ran for a delightful weekend. MC